Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Cliff Hanger Introduction

“They were the last obstacles which could kill me” (Simpson 165).
This quote is from the book “Touching the Void” by Joe Simpson. In our English98 class we were assigned to read this book. At first I had a hard time overcoming all the technical mountain climbing terms however after I looked them up in the back of the book things became clearer. In this quote I referenced, the writer is talking about his survival after a mountain climbing adventure gone bad. He and his partner share there stories that are at times gut wrenching and amazingly when reading this story I found myself scared at times as if I was there. We had a seminar with a couple other English classes that were also reading the book. In preparation for the seminar we were to write a paper based on some questions our Instructor gave us. This really gave me a chance to practice my analytical writing. By taking words someone else had written and re writing them using my own words while still keeping the authors meaning and points. Putting myself in the author’s shoes so to speak, breaking up and dissecting what was written. Really analyzing what was written.
I chose to share with you this assignment because. I feel I was successful in using good sentence structure and I was able to effectively use parallelism with regards to my sentences, causing the writing to flow and make for easier reading. Using proper quotes was a helpful tool I also learned and used in writing this assignment. I hope after reading this you will be inspired to pick up a copy of the book and read it! The story is truly an example of perseverance in its finest example

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